Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Just saw the new Ninja Turtles movie, and...mmm....not very impressed. Ok, first the good stuff: The animation was pretty awesome. Especially the turtles (ok this sounds quite dumb, seeing as this is a show about them after all). As in, compared to the humans in the show, the turtles were pretty awesomely animated. The texture, the perpetual raindrops pattering on their greenish skin, made for awesome viewing. Kudos to Imagi Studios.

Now, the bad:

1) The voice-overs of Splinter and April. Ok, so Splinter is supposed to have some Jap blood or some shit like that, but MAN. Did they have to make him sound so incredibly weird?!?! The first scene you hear him speak you'll be wondering if that's his real voice or if he's sick/mid-cough/impersonating someone. It's THAT weird.

2) Ziyi Zhang also does a turn as the leader of the foot soldiers, with her horrible English. Ew.

3) The overly emo Raphael. Ok, without giving too much of the plot away, let's just say he comes off like a green version of some angsty punk band like...(oh heck) Greenday? Man. You can see the issues he's grappling with all over his green plasticky face. Why make the turtles emo?

So, let me just conclude by saying this movie is pretty enjoyable, especially if you've seen the cartoon in your youth. It's rather campy and has its moments, but also tries a bit too hard at times, making it cringe-worthy.

Jusba absolutely loves it... so some of you may like it... I'll just say that I'm thankful I paid 7 bucks for my ticket.

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