Saturday, January 03, 2009

New year - New layout

Well folks, unknowingly, it's been three years since I first started blogging and it's time for a change. Some of the more significant changes:

1. Blog title - It began as a homage to local food, but I think the blog's true purpose has revealed itself slowly over the past year - to serve as a repository for my verbage. In any case, it goes with the picture, so there. Don't worry, lah, still will have food reviews from time to time.

2. Colour scheme - I'm not sure about the colours, have been fiddling around with it for awhile, hope you guys like it.

3. Yep, that's pretty much it. heh. Not really one for change, I am.

Sigh, it's back to "real" work on Monday - buckle up, folks, it's a bumpy year ahead!

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