Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Ohhhhhh Korea!

Koreans have long been viewed as the poorer sister to the Japanese. From economics to fashion, the only things before Korean drama serials that Koreans could proudly say were better than their Japanese neighbours was kimchi.

So it's perhaps fitting that it is in the arena of food that Koreans can once again rise above their neighbours. My experience with Korean food has rarely gone beyond kimchi and Seoul garden, both of which I dislike, so it was with certain trepidation that I walked into a small Korean supermarket in Novena square.

We had chanced upon it while traipsing the newly-launched Square2 (there really are a shitload of new shops there, but most sell girl stuff), and boy was I in for a surprise.

Yeap, that's a box of mini chicken drumsticks!

Ok, that earlier bit about Koreans and all that jazz was just to build up to that point where you get to see the box of chicken drumsticks. haha.

Anyway, more food!

Big O

Sigh, i'm just not feeling good right now. Don't even have the mood to blog. Sucks.