Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Curtain Call

So that's that for school. I can't really think of anything to say, except that I know I'm going to miss it more than any other school I've been in.


The guys were talking just after we played football today, and the conversation somehow veered towards which clothing item each person embodied (What to do, CS mah). Some had one, some had none, others had a variety...Here's a selection:
  • Samuel is special, he has three signature items: Red Cap, Samford Tee, Abbreviated army long 4 pants
  • Clarence is lagi more special: All V-neck tees, Fulham jersey
  • Me: Oversized Fila Sweater
  • Sayheng: Suggestive Statements - e.g. "I scored last night"; "Fugitive"
And because this is actually quite fun to do, here's my own list of clothes I associate with people:
  • Corduroy shoes: Helmi
  • Skinny Jeans: Jae
  • Saris worn by non-Indians: Vanessa
  • Checkered long pants: Becky
  • Austin Powers Costume: Mr. Duffy (Don't ask me why, the image just came)
  • Same Tshirt as me: Melvin
  • Impossibly eternally scruffy look: PK+Sam
  • Black: Nathan/Cenite
  • Never-the-same-thing-twice: Rachel S.
  • Short sleeved shirts: Irwin
  • FCUK shirts bought-all-at-one-time-in-Australia-on-sale: Derrick
  • Oppressed Oi Oi Music: Kangrong
  • Teamwork: Benjy
So there's my list of people-clothes.


FYP is tiring me out. Today was one of those days that justifies that old saying that when it rains, it pours. As I write this, I am barely awake, and it's not even 12 yet. My legs feel like lead, my mind is swirling with how fragile our campaign is at the moment.

So I shall go and get some shut-eye.

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