Thursday, July 13, 2006

Living la vida loca?

This is what greets you as an entry-level public relations executive each and every monday morning (actually every morning, but mondays are especially bad). Without fail, the horizon of newsprint promises to extend from one end of the rather long table to the other, three waves in all.

Prelude to an interesting conversation

One of the guys that works at an adjacent company popped by and exclaimed:

him: you know, you guys have the best job in the world!

us: *blank, groggy stare*

him: All you guys do is read the papers every morning and drink coffee, fantastic!

us: *groggy stare*

him: I wish I had..

us: *stare*

him: your...

us: *glare*

him: *picks up breifcase and walks off*


Oh well, here's my favourite candy store in the world. OKAY, Singapore. OKAY, so it's the only candy store I know. Bah.

Ahah! what's that she's holding on to?

let's find out...

Smith's sweet thai chilli sauce crisps!!

And here's a shoutout to my dearest darling, who somehow managed to endure four years of 2-day study weeks and unlimited overnight mahjongs

@ Suntec Convention hall. Darn. Why is everything better at smu?

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