It's been slightly over a day since the campaign was launched and I can finally stop thinking about goodie bags, Nokia phones and how to fill out a club. Along the way, so many people have lent their hands, attached to their hearts, and helped to support the weight on my team's shoulders, and for you I am grateful.
Volunteers - Thanks for being so giving of your time and tireless effort. I don't know many people who would voluntarily run around Orchard road scaring complete strangers, pack 400 goodie bags without complaint, and
still ask for more in January when the school roves start. Heck, I don't know anyone else other than Jasmine, Joanne, Natasha, Peiru, Valerie, Hoon Kiat, Crystal, Rachel, and Reina who would do that.
Photographers - Thanks for lugging your equipment down to town and back, and for giving us many many GBs worth of beautiful memories of our campaign. I know that many of you were busy with your own FYPs, which is why your contribution to the campaign was doubly sweet - and will be remembered.
Ambassadors - Thanks for making time to come down for the photoshoot and the event. From the photos of the night, it seemed that you guys gelled really well and it looked like you had fun. Even so, I just want to say that I am grateful for your help. Some of you were at home on the runway; many others were not - even though you guys really worked it on the night!
Friends - This group has been expanded to include the above three groups of people who have worked tirelessly on getyoursexyback. In the process, I've learnt much from all of you. Also, a big thank you to all you guys who showed up at the launch. You made the event a night to remember. Thank you for your help and encouragement throughout the campaign; it was heartening to hear that you enjoyed it.
In all, I just want to say that I am thankful for all of you who helped in one way or another. This is, after all, a youth-for-youth campaign. Hoo-ray for youths!